Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Solve Manning's Equation with Python Scipy library

from scipy.optimize import root

def manningC(d, args):
    Q, w,h,sSlopeL,sSlopeR,nMann,lSlope = args
    #left side slope can be different from right side slope
    area = ((((d*sSlopeL)+(d*sSlopeR)+w)+w)/2)*d
    # wet perimeter
    wPer = w+(d*(sSlopeL*sSlopeL+1)**0.5)+(d*(sSlopeR*sSlopeR+1)**0.5)
    #Hydraulic Radius
    hR = area/ wPer
    # following formula must be zero
    # manipulation of Manning's formula
    mannR = (Q*nMann/lSlope**0.5)-(area*hR**(2.0/3.0))
    return mannR
###### MAIN CODE
# the following are input data to our open channel manning calculation
# flow, width, height, left side slope, right side slope, 
# Manning coefficient, longitudinal slope
args0 = [2.5,2,.5,1.0,1.0,.015,.005]
initD = .00001  # initial water depth value

# then we call the root scipy function to the manningC
sol =root(manningC,initD, args=(args0,))    
# print the root found

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